
Obesity is when a person weighs so much that it is unhealthy.Frown

 Reasons for obesity:

  • Genetics: Obesity can often be traced to genes, and the brain can induce appetite tendencies.
  • Illness: Hypothyroidism, Cushing Syndrome and depression.
  • Psychology: Mental illness and emotional problems.
  • Lifestyle habits: Poor diet and low levels of daily activity.

    Research has shown that as weight increases to reach the levels referred to as "overweight" and "obesity,"* the risks for the following conditions also increases:

·         Coronary heart disease·         Type 2 diabetes·         Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)·         Hypertension (high blood pressure)·         Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides) ·         Stroke ·         Liver and Gallbladder disease·         Sleep apnea and respiratory problems·         Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
For more imformation see these websites. http://www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/obesity/


    http://www.fastcharacters.com/50-most-famous-cartoon-characters-mascots/      Don't be this guy.