
Here are some tips for better excercise:

·         Start slowly.  

·         Warm up. Warm-ups get your body ready for action.

·         Cool down. Slow down little by little.

·         Set goals.

 ·  Reward yourself.

· Find a friend

·         Track progress. Keep a journal of your physical activity.

·         Build up to it. Start slow and then go to your own rate. Have fun!

for more information go to :http://weight-loss.emedtv.com/obesity/obesity-and-exercise-p3.html

Here are some ways to get excercise.

Go swimming. Play sports. Just play active games with friends such as WII FIT.You can even walk your dog or help around the house.  For some excercise videos check out this site. http://www.jumpybumpy.com/Choreography/FREEChoreography/VideoList/tabid/9946/CategoryID/5/List/0/Default.aspx